Course Options

The Medieval Studies Course also has an Interdisciplinary Seminar studied by all participants, irrespective of their Option choice.

English literature

Option 1: Rediscovering Shakespeare

Option 2: Jane Austen in Text and Context

Option 3: The Inklings In Oxford (J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis et al.)

Option 4: English Language, culture, clues & identity: fun with language across the Atlantic


Environmental studies

Option 1: Climate Change in the Anthropocene: Global Catastrophic Risk & Resilience.

Option 2: Environmental Change & British Landscape Development 11,500 BP -1700 AD

Residential 4-Day Excursion to Wales (Field Programme): The Development of British Landscapes (required for Environmentalists, Medievalists; optional for others)

Medieval studies

Option 1: Conquest & Colonisation : England and her neighbours 1016 – 1296

Option 2: Death, Nature and the Supernatural in Medieval Literature

Option 3: The Arthurian Tradition of King Arthur & The Fellowship of the Round table)

© Dr Ken Addison, Oxford Academic Summer School Tours Ltd: for 2024

St Peter’s College Summer School at Magdalen College, University of Oxford